IEEE IES杰出讲师讲座(Distinguish Lecture)
主讲人:Leopoldo G. Franquelo教授
IEEE LifeFellow、IEEE IES学会卸任主席、IEEE TIE卸任主编、IEEE OJIES创始主编
Leopoldo G. Franquelo教授长期从事多电平逆变器调制技术的理论与产品应用研究。分别于1977年和1980年获得西班牙塞维利亚大学电气工程硕士和博士学位。2006年至今担任IEEE IES杰出讲师,2007年担任IEEE TIE副编辑,2014年担任IEEE TIE共同主编,2015-2018年担任IEEE TIE主编,2019年创办并担任IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society首任主编。2004-2007年担任IEEE IES会议副主席、2008-2009年担任IEEE IES侯任主席、2010-2011年担任IEEE IES主席,迄今为IES AdCom终身会员;2005年当选IEEE Fellow,2020年为IEEE Life Fellow;曾获多项IEEE期刊论文奖,获2012年Eugene Mittelmann奖和2015年Antohny J. Hornfeck奖等。
(Remaining Useful Lifetime Management of Modular Power Converters: Advantages and Collateral Negative Effects)
Maintenance of power converters is a hot topic in any industrial application. In power systems, the most critical electronic components suffer from aging mainly caused by thermal stress. In order to improve the converter availability, extension of the converter lifetime, fault tolerant capability and fast maintenance operations are important features to be achieved. Modular power converters are currently an attractive solution because of its inherent fault tolerant operation and reduced production and maintenance cost.
In this talk, the advantages of using modular converters in a wide range of power applications are introduced. In addition, the operation of these converters paying attention to the thermal behavior by applying advanced active thermal control methods is addressed. It will be shown that it is possible to smartly manage the remaining useful lifetime of each power cell of the modular structure in order to reduce the corresponding maintenance cost. However, the application of such methods lead to create negative collateral effects that could mitigate the achieved advantages. These negative effects can be mitigated by applying advanced modulation methods based on modifying well-known techniques such as phase-shifted modulation and interleaved operation.
讲座方式:钉钉(ID:647 058 18607422 495 19093)
地址:湖北省武汉市洪山区珞喻路1037号 邮箱 传真:18672395238 联系人: 徐伟