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【专题征稿】High Performance Linear Machines and Drives

发布时间:2022-04-02 19:27:55阅读次数: 分享到:

Call for Papers —— Special Section on Topologies, Modelling, Design, Control and System Integration for Linear Machines and Drives

With the ability to generate direct thrust without any mechanical transmissions, the linear machines serve as excellent choice for industrial applications requiring linear motions, such as linear metros, MAGLEVs, servo systems, wave-energy generators, conveyors, linear compressor, fast action solenoids, loudspeakers, microphones, etc. Due to the special characteristics of linear machines, e.g., the cut-open iron core, the large air-gap length, the end-effects, the half-filled slots, the unbalanced/asymmetric magnetic circuits, the vertical force, both academic and industry face great challenges in design method, control strategies, integration methodologies for high performance linear machines and drives.

This Special Section aims to collect the latest theoretical and technological ideas in the field of linear machines and drive systems. Advancements in the new linear machine topologies, mathematical modelling, design methodologies, high performance control strategies, multi-objective optimization techniques, and so on are of great interest. Manuscript with both theoretical and practical/experimental results are strongly welcome.Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

>>  New topologies of linear machines.

>>  Mathematical modelling of linear machines.

>>  New materials and applications for linear machines.

>>  Integrated modelling for linear machines and drive systems.

>>  Advanced control strategies for linear machines and drive systems.

>>  Multi-objective optimization techniques for linear machines and drives.

>>  Other related topics.

Contact the deputy editor-in-chief if your manuscript is not within the listed topics, as papers within the general topic of electrical machines and systems are all welcome by the CES TEMS.

Brief guideline for authors:

Papers styles: 

1. Review articles.

2. Original research.

3. Rapid communications

All manuscripts must be submitted through Manuscript Central at https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/tems. Submissions must be clearly marked “SS: Topologies, Modelling, Design, Control and System Integration for Linear Machines and Drives” on the cover page. When uploading your paper, please select your manuscript type “Special Issue.” Refer to http://www.cestems.org for general information about electronic submission through Manuscript Central. Manuscripts submitted for the special issue will be reviewed separately and will be handled by the guest editorial board noted below.

About the journal

The CES TEMS is a brand-new quarterly journal published by the China Electrotechnical Society (CES) and the Institute of Electrical Engineering of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, with co-sponsorship of IEEE PELS, starting from March 2017.

The CES TEMS is an open-access journal, currently with no publication charge applied to the authors. Published papers will be included in the IEEE Xplore. Inclusion in other globally recognized data base such as the Web of Science (SCI) is under arrangement.

Deputy Editor-in-Chief

Prof. Wei Xu 

Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China 


Guest Editors

Prof. Qinfen Lu:  luqinfen@zju.edu.cn 

Prof. Jiwen Zhao:  ustczjw@hfut.edu.cn 

Prof. Xuzhen Huang:  huangxuzhen@nuaa.edu.cn 

Prof. Jin Xu:  15308653681@163.com 

Prof. Baoquan Kou:  koubq@hit.edu.cn 

Prof. Guangtong Ma:  gtma@swjtu.edu.cn 

Prof. Guobing Lin:  linguobin@tongji.edu.cn 

Prof. Junyong Lu:  jyluneu@163.com 

Prof. Wei Wang:  wangwei1986@seu.edu.cn 

Prof. Liyi Li:  liliyi@hit.edu.cn 

Prof. Gang Lv:  ganglv@bjtu.edu.cn 

Prof. Liang Xu:  xuliang0511@ujs.edu.cn 

Prof. Ping Zheng:  zhengping@hit.edu.cn 

Prof. Zhaolong Sun:  brucesunzl@126.com 

Prof. Essam Eddin M. Rashad:  emrashad@f-eng.tanta.edu.eg 

Prof. Jianguo Zhu:  jianguo.zhu@sydney.edu.au 

Prof. Ion Boldea:  ion.boldea@upt.ro

Important Dates

Full paper submission:20 May, 2022 

Final decision notification:10 June, 2022 

Publication:25 June, 2022 

In Vol. 6, No. 2, 2022

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