IEEE IES武汉分会2020年学术活动系列
主讲人:Ion Boldea教授
院士、IEEE Life Fellow、“尼古拉-特斯拉”奖章、IEEE学会杰出讲师
Ion Boldea罗马尼亚蒂米什瓦拉理工大学教授,研究方向为电机设计、控制和系统集成等。Boldea教授长期活跃在学术界和工业界,在电机领域享有崇高的学术声望,发表学术论文250余篇,出版学术专著10余部(多本专著已成为业内经典教材及著作,并被全世界超过6000家图书馆收录)。他曾担任IEEE多个学会杰出讲师、多个IEEE期刊的副编辑(Associate Editor)或客座编辑(Guest Editor)等。从1996年至今,Boldea教授一直担任国际著名电机会议OPTIM(双年度会议)大会主席。因在电机行业的杰出贡献,Boldea教授当选为IEEE Fellow,罗马尼亚工程院和欧洲科学院院士,并被授予“尼古拉-特斯拉”奖章(国际电气工程领域最高级别奖章)等。
讲座名称:磁阻同步电机和磁通调制电机的设计与控制(Reluctance synchronous and flux modulation machines design and control: recent progress overview)
In the effort of producing premium efficiency and power factor motor/generator drives- at affordable costs in line-start and variable speed applications, reluctance synchronous(with cage- or cageless- rotor) and flux- modulation machines have enjoyed in the last two decades an unusually rich attention both in industry and Academia with very promising results and some early but dynamic commercialization already. This lecture will review the following main aspects of this vast subject: (1) Line-start 3 phase and 1 phase reluctance synchronous motors of higher starting and operation performance recent designs; (2) 3 phase reluctance synchronous motor/generator variable speed drives without and with assisting lower cost PMs better performance assessment, optimal design and advanced control; (3) Flux-modulation principle in reluctance machines without and with PMs for small and medium speed applications.
讲座方式: 钉钉(ID:422 495 19093)
地址:湖北省武汉市洪山区珞喻路1037号 邮箱:weixu@hust.edu.cn 传真:18672395238 联系人: 徐伟