Name: Moustafa Magdi Ismail Mohamed
Sex: Male
Nationality: Egyptian
Address:1 Darb Sheikh Amaar, Mohamed Badawy St., Minia, Minia, 61111, Egypt
Phone: 20862351354/+201000361989;
I seek to enhance my administrative and research abilities by enrolling in a competitive educational program and study for my PHD degree in the filed of power electronics and control.
23/10/2011 till now:
Assistant Lecturer in Electrical Engineering Department, Minia University, Egypt
▪ To lead classes/sessions in thesubject specialism on the demonstration of whatever (both small groups andone-to-one) and to answer questions related to those demonstrations, includingthe provision of detailed explanations of how the activity relates to the widerarea of study.
▪ To assist/give guidance, where required, to students who are carrying outpractical exercises.
▪ To be aware of any health andsafety implications, and take action to maintain a safe environment, raisingany concerns with the course organiser.
▪ To contribute to the development of teaching material and workbooks.
▪ Where required, to assist inmarking student tests set by the course organiser using defined markingcriteria where marking requires little or no interpretation.
▪ Where required, to provide factual feedback to students and the course organiser.
▪ Where required, to ensure thatequipment, exercise or process is functional and/or material fordemonstrations, exercises etc. is prepared before the start of a session.
Business or sector University Teaching Profession
Masterof Science in Electrical Engineering with specialization in Power Electronicsand control
Faculty ofEngineering, Minia University, Minia, Egypt
Thesis“Power Quality Improvement of a Wind Driven Doubly Fed Induction Generator”
Bachelorof Electrical Power System and Electric Machine Engineering
Institution Minia University, Minia, Egypt
Dates attended from September 2006 to July 2011
General grade Distinctionwith honor
Graduation project "Optimum Starting Performance ofHigh Power Three Phase Induction Motor"
Grade Distinction
The firststudent in thedepartment
地址:湖北省武汉市洪山区珞喻路1037号 邮箱 传真:18672395238 联系人: 徐伟