徐伟教授和意大利国立科学院的Marcello Pucci 博士,将在2020年国际电机大会ICEM(电机领域国际最高级别学术会议)上作2.5小时的大会讲座(Tutorial):
Advanced Linear Induction Machines and Drive Systems for Industrial Applications(面向工业应用的直线感应电机及系统)
Gothernburg, Sweden, 23rd-26th, August 2020(可能会因疫情改为网络讲座,具体待定)
大会讲座将系统讲述直线感应电机的设计、控制及系统集成等,主要内容来自于徐伟教授等专家于2019年出版的英文编著《Advanced Linear Machines and Drive Systems》, 部分内容有更新。相关英文编著可在网上购买:http://product.dangdang.com/1566546253.html
This book collects the latest theoretical and technological concepts in the design and control of various linear machines and drive systems. Discussing advances in the new linear machine topologies, integrated modeling, multi-objective optimization techniques, and high-performance control strategies, it focuses on emerging applications of linear machines in transportation and energy systems.
The book presents both theoretical and practical/experimental results, providing a consistent compilation of fundamental theories, a compendium of current research and development activities as well as new directions to overcome critical limitations.
地址:湖北省武汉市洪山区珞喻路1037号 邮箱:weixu@hust.edu.cn 传真:18672395238 联系人: 徐伟